Decolonizing secularization as an epistemic joint for the construction of other-knowledge: towards an (critical) intercultural education of religion


In this article we will analyze the approaches, contributions and limits of post/de-colonial theories on the idea of secularization, identifying a double paradox: the construction of a critical perspective on this category as the foundation of the modern-eurocentric-colonial scaffolding, but which still maintains a prejudiced approach to the religious world, functional to colonial epistemic logics. From here we will focus on the work of Subaltern Studies and its distinctive analysis of secularization as a way of subjugating religious identifications as instances of subaltern critique. From here, we will propose a scheme of religious critical intercultural education as a way to promote, from a pedagogical perspective, a subaltern and critical vision of and from the religious, as a way to overcome secularization as a reductionist framework of the concept of the religious and as a logic of epistemic power.
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Author Biography

Nicolás Panotto

INTE Universidad Arturo Prat. Chile