The ethical task of secondary teachers: An analysis through their attitudes and reasoning. Case study in the Mexican context

  • Marcela Hernández González
    Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán marce.herg[at]
  • Virginia González Ornelas
    Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán
  • Miguel Pérez Ferra
    Departamento de Pedagogía. Facultad de hh. y cc. de la Educación. Universidad de Jaén


This study focused on the analysis of professional ethics of teachers. It is considered important because this teaching is itself an ethical activity because it touches on the whole person of the learner to encourage it to be gradually a better subject.Moral reasoning and moral attitudes: to have a professional approach to this ethic two related elements were studied. A case study located in Mexico, in the Superior Normal School of Michoacán (ensm), initial training institution was performed, but also welcomes teachers in service for further studies and graduate. Methods of quantitative and qualitative research in the same investigation were integrated approach known as hybrid or mixed method. The instruments were built Likert scale, hypothetical and real moral dilemmas. And the implementation of group discussion with experts.The work investigated on major ethical problems of secondary teachers, argumentation processes performed to make ethical decisions and principal values present.The results found that ethical aspects have an important place in their educational conception. Also there is a high emotional charge in moral attitudes, which are transformed along the experience and professional cycling stage that is going through.Moreover, the presence of the principles of justice and charity in ethical conflicts was recognized, and the importance of the ability of moral sensibility as an element that favors the appropriate educational practices and ethical development of students and educators.The study provides knowledge of reflection to be implemented in teacher training, seeking to promote professional ethics in secondary teachers respond to the needs and demands of the current context.
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Hernández González, M., González Ornelas, V., & Pérez Ferra, M. (2016). The ethical task of secondary teachers: An analysis through their attitudes and reasoning. Case study in the Mexican context. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 34(1), 17–34.

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Author Biographies

Marcela Hernández González

Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán
Docente investigadora de la Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán.Docente de licenciatura y PosgradoCalle Nicolás Zapata #305Fracc. Jardines de TorremolinosMorelia, Michoacán, MéxicoCP 58190

Virginia González Ornelas

Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán
Docente-investigadora de la Escuela Normal Superior de MichoacánProfesora de PosgradoEscuela Normal Superior de MichoacánNicolás Zapata 305Col Jardines de Torremolinoscp 58190Morelia, Michoacán, México 

Miguel Pérez Ferra

Departamento de Pedagogía. Facultad de hh. y cc. de la Educación. Universidad de Jaén
Departamento de Pedagogía, edificio C-5, despacho 247Facultad de HH y CC de la EducaciónUniversidad de Jaén, Campus las Lagunillas, s/n23071, (Jaén)