The new teaching model in the training paradigm focused on students


At work experience developed in UCLM (Castilla La Mancha Univer­sity), for the year 2008-2009, it has been proved that in the analysis of the university teaching’s quality, it is not enough to speak about teaching aspects, or to reduce to action of teaching, because –in many cases– what they can do it is determined by their institution, their aims and programs, their institutional culture, legislation and university policies, financing, the connection with social setting, the own laws, resources, organization, etc. It is evident that the only way to change the traditional didactic methodology needs including new and active methodologies, reducing the number of student by class, as well as, it is necessary to change the organization of spaces, time and resources, that they can be a possibility to establish authentic circles of learning, in which the students can develop an autonomous style of learning and they promote a response to the diversity.It is obvious that the teacher has to have great human attitudes and to be able to teach this active energy that motivate in students a paradigmatic change, so that they can let an effective and social insertion, developing all their abilities for coexistence and the personal, professional and work self-fulfilment.
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Palomares Ruiz, A. (2010). The new teaching model in the training paradigm focused on students. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 27(2), 44–75. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Ascensión Palomares Ruiz

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Catedrática de EU de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España)