The educacional culture inscribed in television advertisements

  • Antonio Giner Gomis
    Universidad de Alicante A.Giner[at]
  • María de los Ángeles Martínez
    Universidad de Alicante
  • Narciso Sauleda
    Universidad de Alicante


In this research paper we are analysing, by using a qualitative process suported by the computing programme Aquad Six, the school institution picture that the audience has got from twenty Spanish TV advertisements. without question, the visual culture is affecting extremely the shaping of knowledge process of individuals and societies. It is essential that the school community knows critically the images offered by massive media about school education, specially at this current moment characterized by the «pictorial turn». we provide evidences suggesting that TV advertisements launch messages that convey the most out-of-date conceptions, which not even appear in the elemental education of public institutions.
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Giner Gomis, A., Martínez, M. de los Ángeles, & Sauleda, N. (2010). The educacional culture inscribed in television advertisements. Enseñanza & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactic, 27(1), 191–206. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Antonio Giner Gomis

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante (España)

María de los Ángeles Martínez

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante (España)

Narciso Sauleda

Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Alicante (España)