Native teaching in Mozambique: educative reports of Sebastião Soares de Resende, a catholic bishop before Portuguese (1950-1966)

  • Ramón Aguadero Miguel
    Universidad de Málaga aguadero[at]
  • Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco
    Universidad de Málaga


In this article we present the results of the Educative Reports written by D. Sebastião Soares de Resende, the Bishop from Beira, Mozambique. Viewing education like a factor of civilization and development, he insisted the need of integral formation for the black population, beyond the mere instruction rudimentar. As an implementation of Missionary Agreement, every year he should present an informative report of all the activities done by the diocese to the General Governor. The analysis he does about the socioeducative reality turn them into an essential source of knowing the priorities that promoted native teaching and his critics of colonial politics showed to the leader of the Government. These reports highlight that the expansion of the native teaching in Beira is due to his initiative and personal interest and not to the educative governmental authorities, presenting opposing actions to the legitimacy function assigned to missionary teaching. We offer some significative extracts, focusing fundamentally in primary school teaching, so that the reader can better understand, from official documents, the thinking and the role played by the bishop in the educative and social development of his diocese and his heritage to the final complex moment of the Portuguese presence.
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Aguadero Miguel, R., & Sanchidrián Blanco, C. (2012). Native teaching in Mozambique: educative reports of Sebastião Soares de Resende, a catholic bishop before Portuguese (1950-1966). Historia De La Educación, 30, 265–285. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

Ramón Aguadero Miguel

Universidad de Málaga
Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Universidad de Málaga - Avda. Cervantes, 2 29071 –Málaga (España)

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco

Universidad de Málaga
Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Campus de Teatinos – 29071 – Málaga (España)