Science, technology and education. Determinants factors of the genesis and evolution of the system of vocational training in germany


The relationships of dependency between the development of science, economic structure and models of vocational training are the subject of this study. We make use of the ideas that over science and technology have developed the economic theory and the humanistic disciplines. From them it is investigated the European context in which the German system of vocational training emerges and the historical facts more determinants that contributed to its creation. We account for the legal bases and the normative evolution of the Federal State model. We study their educational systems and the institutions and modalities where evolution and professional training is located from their legislation. We also account for the role that different institutions –political, social and economic– they play in their development and regulation. The objective is to assess the place of science and the involvement of enterprises in training and in contact with the reality of the technology through its commitment and responsible participation in the educational system to keep updated, on mutual interest, the content and its structure.
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Author Biography

Juan Luis Rubio Mayoral

Universidad de Sevilla
Profesor Titular de Universidad. Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de Sevilla.C/ PIROTECNIA, S/N C.P: 41013 (SEVILLA) Teléfono: 95.455.17.00/47/48. FAX: 954.55.17.64