The reception of the models of the New School in the Spanish manualistic of the early 20th century


This paper examines certain aspects related to the reception of the patterns of the New Education in the Spanish textbooks of the first third of the 20th century. This appropiation of the renewing pedagogical models by writers of didac- tic texts is also related to the processes of school modernisation during the period in Spanish and supose a mode of metamorphosis undergone by the principles of the renewed education on being transferred to the world of the prevailing educational practice. This influence consisted of the changes which affected the classical textbooks and in the appearance of new types of manuals which correspond to specific models and give rise to new textual forms.
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Escolano Benito, A. (2013). The reception of the models of the New School in the Spanish manualistic of the early 20th century. Historia De La Educación, 25, 317–340. Retrieved from


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