Accounting history and Scholl of Business in Almena (1784-1941)


The study we are involved in is an itinerary throughout the research in the mercantile discipline in Almería, under the point of view of a society that is trying to develop itself. The Industrial Revolution during the 19th century compells a kind of applied knowledge like accounting, commercial mathematics, and mercantile law, that are offered in first instance by the private initiative. However, demand is so high that finally the public authorities participate in the expansion through the creation of a School of Business in Almería in 1935.
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Gómez Díaz, D. (2013). Accounting history and Scholl of Business in Almena (1784-1941). Historia De La Educación, 20, 237–259. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Donato Gómez Díaz

Universidad de Almeria
Universidad de Almería. Ctra. Sacramento, s/n, 04120 La Cañada de San Urbano, Almería (España)