«Profession» versus «technical culture». Definition and accreditation of the professional training in Germany and France


Trought comparative methodology, applied to historical explanation, the author analyse French and German professional training models. The author also study in depth «Profession» and «Technical culture» with regard to professional training.
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Schriewer, J. (2013). «Profession» versus «technical culture». Definition and accreditation of the professional training in Germany and France. Historia De La Educación, 20, 191–213. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10951


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Author Biography

Jürgen Schriewer

Universidad Humboldt/Berlin
Institutsgebäude, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, 10117 Berlin (Alemania)