From the handbooks for the History to the history of the History as a school disciplin


In recent years a very important change in studies related to history as a school discipline has taken place. A wide range of factors have acted at the base of this change. They have allowed us to better known its constitutive characteristics and its later evolution, strongly defined by inercia and routine. The intention of these studies is genealogical and not archaeological nor erudite, so they provide a will for educative renovation, that goes further than idealistic projects, wich have turned out to be insuficient in overcoming known deficiencies.
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Valls Montes, R. (2013). From the handbooks for the History to the history of the History as a school disciplin. Historia De La Educación, 18, 169–190. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rafael Valls Montes

Universidad de Valencia
Av de los Naranjos, s/n, 46022 Valencia (España)