Protection of Childhood in Cartagena (1908-1936): Institutions and Iniciatives


The modernisation of prospective laws for childhood in Spain, at the beginning of the XXth century, promoted at the local level, through the created Local Boards for Protection of Childhood and Repression of Mendicity, the existance of certain possible activities in this field. The Local Board in Cartagena represented a remarkable case because of the diversity and importance of their activities, as well as the institutions and iniciatives promoted (the Child's House, School canteen, clothes distribution and holiday camps, open air schools, children's reformatory, free distribution of milk, school medical service, and the Institute for pre-natal care). In this paper the mentioned institutions and iniciatives are analysed together with the role played in them by several persons and, away them, Félix Martí Alpera.
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Moreno Martínez, P. L. (2013). Protection of Childhood in Cartagena (1908-1936): Institutions and Iniciatives. Historia De La Educación, 18, 127–147. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Pedro Luis Moreno Martínez

Universidad de Murcia
Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Murcia (España)