Nationalcatholicism and education in the postwar Spain. Notes about a reading and a A. Mayordomo 's preliminary study


More than ever, history is today a subject which must be proyected towards the most realistic comprehension of our roots and to a better knowledge of the world where we live. In that sense, what Spain urgently needs is an holistic criticism of Franco's dictatorship and its consequences. It is important to exhumate texts. But to do it in a critical way is important too. From the perspective of classical historial studies —although not enough in number and quality— this paper tries to determine the main steps of Franco's period from an educational historical point of view
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Barreiro Rodriguez, H. (2013). Nationalcatholicism and education in the postwar Spain. Notes about a reading and a A. Mayordomo ’s preliminary study. Historia De La Educación, 14, 417–432. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Herminio Barreiro Rodriguez

Universidad de Santiago
Avda. de Ramón Ferreiro, s/n. 27071 Lugo. España.