The University of Salamanca under Philip II in statistic data
Abstract This paper is a statistical comparative study between the students who were registering in the University of Salamanca and who were obtaining each of three degrees that could be obtained in the University. It fills an existing emptiness in the University of Salamanca historiography, since a comparative study was necessary in the epoch of Philip II. The study analyzes the university matriculation, the requirements to formalize it, the order in which there were staying new recruits and the statistical contributed information. Likewise, there are analyzed and compare the statistical information contributed for each of three degrees that could be obtained in the University of Salamanca, which they were that of graduate, that of licentiate and that of doctor or teacher. It appreciates clearly the importance that had each of the faculties, being clearly the most valued the Faculty of Canon law and that less, that of Medicine.
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Alejo Montes, F. J. (2013). The University of Salamanca under Philip II in statistic data. Historia De La Educación, 28, 187–206. Retrieved from
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