Support needs perceived by parents of children with autism between 2-5 years old, in Mexico

  • Mariela Cañete Alavez
    Domus Instituto de Autismo A.C. canete.mariela[at]
  • M.ª Cruz Sánchez Gómez
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Pedro Corcho Sánchez
    Universidad de Extremadura


The families of children with autism face a difficulty derived from the scarcity of supports and services, both for the child and for the family. The objective of this study was to find out the profile of support needs perceived by them. Case study with 17 parents of children with autism between 2 and 5 years old in an institute in Mexico. In order to know what services were received, the Family Quality of Life Scale was applied and an open questionnaire gathered information about the priority needs detected by the parents regarding the supports and which of them could improve their family quality of life. The most requested supports were: information, emotional support, material resources, management of daily life, and guidance for parenting and social relationships. The greatest number of support needs was found in the area of material resources. The needs for supports and services matched with what has been reported in the literature. The financial factor was perceived as an obstacle in order to access services and as an enhancer of the family quality of life. Some needs that emerged in this study were: support in social activities, information on legal rights and work benefits.
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