Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders: data review

  • Francisco Alcantud Marín
    Universidad de Valencia francisco.alcantud[at]
  • Yurena Alonso Esteban
    Universidad de Valencia
  • Susana Mata Iturralde
    Universidad de Guayaquil


Published data on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders point to a significant increase in this indicator. This increase is being studied in numerous publications of analysis, meta-analysis and systematic reviews. The prevalence indicates the proportion of people who suffer at a given time or are diagnosed with a disease. The consequences of the increasing prevalence are relevant from the point of health, social and educational, but especially relevant when as is the case, the cause of the disorder is unknown. It is in this sense that the prevalence study gains importance in order to delimit various circumstances that may give clues to the possible cause or causes that generate disorder. This article reviews studies, summarizes the last data, and reflects on them and possible causes that justify the increased reporting. It looks like these epidemiological indicators can or are influenced by possible methodological flaws behind, which can explain the variations between studies and others. It concludes by stating the need population studies and monitoring that allows us to know the reality of the evolution of these disorders in order to provide reliable information to those responsible for the institutions involved in the detection and treatment of ASD.
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Author Biographies

Francisco Alcantud Marín

Universidad de Valencia
Universitat de Valencia. Centre Universitari de Diagnòstic i Atenció Primerenca. Guardia Civil, 22 bajo. 46020 Valencia, España

Yurena Alonso Esteban

Universidad de Valencia
Universidad de Valencia. Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, España.

Susana Mata Iturralde

Universidad de Guayaquil
Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas. Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez INSPI LIP, Ecuador.