University Distance Learning for the Labor Market Integration of People with Intellectual Disabilities

An Experience at UNED


This paper focuses on the description of an experience carried out in a Spanish distance university, which was based on the principles of universal design for learning and cognitive accessibility to promote the labour insertion of people with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the training proposal was to contribute to the development of some competencies that would help students with intellectual disabilities to improve their professional updating for job placement in the Spanish Public Administration. A total of 179 people with intellectual disabilities participated in the course. The results evidenced a high success rate of 89% and a low dropout rate of 11%. Through an ad hoc questionnaire, we evaluated the degree of learners´ satisfaction with different elements of the curricular design for this online learning experience. Particularly, participants reported high satisfaction rates with the selected contents, educational materials and multimedia resources available in the virtual classroom, as well as with the possible benefits of the instruction of emotional self-regulation strategies. It can be concluded that the instructional design has led to high satisfaction and improved the employability abilities of the students to deal with the labour market.
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