Research Competencies Mediated by Technologies: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature


This study starts from the need to identify which are the research competencies mediated by technologies, required to support the acquisition of knowledge in higher education institutions. The work developed here aims to analyze the scientific production related to the subject with the intention of identifying current research trends. To achieve this, the method of systematic review of literature adjusted to social sciences was used, taking as a source of information the Scopus database. The results indicate that most of the scientific texts have been produced in English, and that the treatment of the topic has been constantly developed since 2016, mostly from the approach of the relationship between research strategies with digital literacy, information literacy, access to digital library databases and the development of critical thinking.
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Author Biographies

Carlos Enrique George Reyes

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Nuevo León. México
Dr. Carlos Enrique George Reyes Researcher professor attached to the school of Humanities and Education. Tecnologico de Monterrey

Leonardo David Glasserman Morales

Institute for the Future of Education. Tecnológico de Monterrey
Dr. Leonardo David Glasserman Morales. School of Humanities and Education. Institute for the Future of Education Director of the M.A. in Educational Entrepreneurship. Tecnologico de Monterrey