ISSN online: 2255-2863

The Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863) is an open access (OA) journal that publishes articles which contribute new results associated with distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas, such as the Deep Learning, Generative AI, Electronic commerce, Smart Grids, IoT, Distributed Computing and so on. These technologies are changing constantly as a result of the large research and technical effort being undertaken in both universities and businesses. Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of computing.

ADCAIJ focuses attention in the exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians. Both, academic and business areas, are essential to facilitate the development of systems that meet the demands of today's society. The journal is supported by the research group BISITE.

The journal commenced publication in 2012 with quarterly periodicity and has published more than 300 articles with peer review. All the articles are written in scientific English language.

From volume 12 (2023) onwards, the journal will be published in continuous mode, in order to advance the visibility and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

ADCAIJ is indexed in Scopus and in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science, in the category COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. It also appears in other directories and databases such as DOAJ, ProQuest, Scholar, WorldCat, Dialnet, Sherpa ROMEO, Dulcinea, UlrichWeb, BASE, Academic Journals Database and Google Scholar.

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Vol. 14 (2025)
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