The Painting of Everyday Life in Eighteenth-Century France. Creation and Transformation of the Term «Genre Painting» in Anglo-American Historiography: from Realism to Everyday Life


When studying French painting of the eighteenth-century through Anglo-American historiography of the 90s, we often encounter various terms, such as genre painting, everyday life or realistic, which seem to be used indistinctly. However, behind these uses underlay the desire to build a new interpretative model of the French painting of the eighteenth century from the notion of everyday life, which simply updated the imaginary and discussions –politics and aesthetics– of the nineteenth and twentieth century, collected, also, in the Cultural Studies and the New Art History. They encouraged us, therefore, to look at that painting in terms of problems unrelated to the typical representations of the eighteenth century, preventing, finally, their correct understanding. We propose, therefore, a historiographical approach that will seek to understand the transformation of the notion of genre painting into everyday life painting, highlighting the underlying ideology. 
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Blanco Aparicio, J. (2019). The Painting of Everyday Life in Eighteenth-Century France. Creation and Transformation of the Term «Genre Painting» in Anglo-American Historiography: from Realism to Everyday Life. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 20, 495–525.


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