Ugo Foscolo’s Fortune in Malta. The Experience of Dun Karm, the National Poet


In this article we analise Dun Karm’s Maltese translation of Foscolo’s poem Dei Sepolcri; a version which turns out to maintain an unbroken parallelism with the original text. Besides the central subject just referred, other aspects are treated aswell: from the most significant moments of the author’s life, to his conception of language and to the transition from the Italian to the Maltese language within his own poetics.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Bottasso, E. (a cura di) (1962). Dell’origine e dell’ufficio della letteratura. Saggi critici, vol. II. Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice.
G?aqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti (dicembre 1931). «Inhobbu l-ilsien Malti». Il-Malti, vol. 8, n.1, pp. 101-103.
Karm, D. (1960). «Tahdita fuq il-poezija Maltija». Lehen il-Malti, a. XXIX, vol. I, pp. 1-12.
— (1936). L-oqbra. Malta: Stamperija tal-Gvern.
— (marzo 1935). «Misthija zejda u misthija nieqsa». Il-Malti, vol. 11, n.1, pp. 3-4.
«Taghlima zghira ghall-kittieba tal-Malti». (giugno 1935). Il-Malti, p. 45.
Friggieri, O. (2020). Ugo Foscolo’s Fortune in Malta. The Experience of Dun Karm, the National Poet. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 14, 151–159. Retrieved from


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