«Troubles for Those Kids Who Dare to Rebel against Their Parents». Wording in The Adventures of Pinocchio


Inside Avventure, the reader stumbles upon several passages where the word moves Pinocchio’s process and affects his choices. Among the many possible examples, the present article analyzes that of Grillo-parlante (Talking-Cricket) and that of Geppetto. The first is the expression of an unquestionable though ineffective centenary wisdom, in so far as it is formulated in a predictive way; the latter, on the contrary, succeeds in opposing Pinocchio’s resistance by using as leverage the awareness of not knowing and resorting to an impersonal formulation of teachings. The rhetoric of pedagogical calls proves essential in determining the puppet’s reactions and responses.
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Ponti, P. (2019). «Troubles for Those Kids Who Dare to Rebel against Their Parents». Wording in The Adventures of Pinocchio. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 13(1), 97–106. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7787/article/view/23506


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