The eye that looks «elsewhere» of Mattia Pascal

  • Roberta Angelica Ruotolo
    Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II mh[at]


In the Pirandello’s opera, Il fu Mattia Pascal that eye «disobedient» characte-rizes the appearance of the protagonist, that eye which Mattia vainly tries to hide or correct and that will withstand even the transformation, physical and identity. Mattia Pascal is, according to Mazzacurati’s definition, a «prisoner of the mirror», prisoner of the other inside him. Mattia looks in the mirror and after the temporary blindness, effect of the ophthalmologic operation, no longer cross-eyed but has a larger eye of the «prophet»: now becomes aware that his identity is the result of disharmonious relationship of two beings in one person.The disease of the protagonist also infects the page, the outside world is represented as distorted: Il fu Mattia Pascal is a de-formation novel. Just like that eye which does not obey the will of the protagonist, so Pirandello decides to innovate the novel’s topic and the Bildungsroman, looking away, adopting the humorous theory and removing any compact structure of the ego.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
Ferrario, E. 1978. L’occhio di Mattia Pascal. Poetica e estetica in Pirandello. Roma: Bulzoni.

Mazzacurati, G. 1998. Le stagioni dell’apocalisse, con «Prefazione» di M. Palumbo. Torino: Einaudi.

– 2006. Pirandello nel romanzo europeo. Bologna: Il Mulino.

– 2010. «Prefazione» a Pirandello, L. Il fu Mattia Pascal, a cura di G. Mazzacurati. Torino: Einaudi.

Pirandello, L. 1994. L’umorismo e altri saggi. Firenze: Giunti.

– 2006. Saggi e interventi. Milano: Mondadori.

– 2010. Il fu Mattia Pascal, a cura e con «Prefazione» di G. Mazzacurati. Torino: Einaudi.
Ruotolo, R. A. (2016). The eye that looks «elsewhere» of Mattia Pascal. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 10(1), 129–136. Retrieved from


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