The concept of «faccia» in order to analyze Franco Cassano’s «Pensiero Meridiano»
Abstract The article aims to analyse the concept of «faccia» in this interview to Franco Cassano about his book Pensiero Meridiano. The concept of the «faccia», taken from the framework of linguistic politeness, is used to speak of very large territories such as those described in the book Pensiero Meridiano. The argument put forward by Cassano is a desire that the South will assume an anti-colonial position in order to exit from the cultural hegemony present in the look from the Northwest. The «South» as a cultural area has paid high costs to its positive «faccia» because its reality has been described by the North. This hegemonic look has not granted a description of reality from the South to the South and, consequently, it has denied a new narrative of this territory. Cassano reiterates insistently as a way to gain positive «faccia» the need of a «faccia» implied in all requirements of Pensiero Meridiano. Similarly, the opportunity to propose their own«perspective» as asked by Cassano makes an attempt to rebalance the relationship with the use of the metaphor of the sea as «fluid thinking», in opposition to such antagonistic thoughts as the fundamentalist present in both of the shores of the Mediterranean.The creation of this «space of confidence» is of great importance in this particular historical moment.
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Natale, E. (2013). The concept of «faccia» in order to analyze Franco Cassano’s «Pensiero Meridiano». Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 237–249. Retrieved from
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