Some notes on the Machiavelli of Antonio Gramsci


This essay is based on the finding of manipulation or mannerisms of the terms relating to Machiavelli. Starting from there, it tries to show how the figure of Machiavelli is a recurrent and even central element in the Quaderni del carcere of Antonio Gramsci. This author incorporated into his thinking about the Florentine writer interpretations of others, he contextualizes them and qualifies them from ideological and historical items that inform them and concludes that Machiavelli is the expert and analyst of all the springs that make up that unit of power, which can reach the smaller spaces, and are a way of life, hegemony.
  • Referencias
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GIL ESTEVE, Manuel. 1998. «Introducción». En: MAQUIAVELO. El Príncipe. Traducción y notas, Gloria Guidotti Ruini. Madrid: Palas Atenea.

GRAMSCI, A. 1972. Lettere dal carcere. Sergio Caprioglio, Elsa Fubini (a c.). Torino: Einaudi.

GRAMSCI, A. 2007. Quaderni del carcere. Valentino Gerratana (a c.). Torino: Einaudi.

MANACORDA, Giuliano. 1975. «Introduzione». En: GRAMSCI, A. Marxismo e letteratura. Roma: Editori Riuniti.
Gil Rovira, M. (2013). Some notes on the Machiavelli of Antonio Gramsci. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 9, 73–78. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Manuel Gil Rovira

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor Titular de UniversidadFacultad de Filología. Departamento de Filología Moderna. Área de conocimiento: Filología ItalianaFacultad de Filología — Universidad de Salamanca | Plaza de Anaya S/N 37008, Salamanca | +34 923 294 445 Ext. 1773