Writing from the Pain: Identity and Performativity in Piedad Bonnett’s Lo que no tiene nombre


The paper aims to discuss the possible perspectives to approach the performativity in the writings of the self originated by the pain of the loss of a loved one. This will be conducted through the analysis of Lo que no tiene nombre (2013): in a final performative twist, the poetic voice claims to have made the child, whose suicide is explored in this work, to be born again. From the perspective of philosophy of language, discursive pragmatics and other theories on performativity, it will be studied how a guilty maternity gets reconfigured under a somatically loaded poetical discourse. The ineffability of death is transcended by a kind of performativity that generates an infinite maternity by adhering to a superreality of desire that, because of the essential conditions of its legitimation, is (im)possible.
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Marín Cobos, N. (2020). Writing from the Pain: Identity and Performativity in Piedad Bonnett’s Lo que no tiene nombre. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 85–108. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea20202285108


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Author Biography

Nieves Marín Cobos

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Doctorado en Estudios Artísticos, Literarios y de la Cultura. Contrato FPU.