Dive Bomber (1941): a study model of aviation physiology
Abstract This article serves to begin in the teaching bases of the current aviation physiology, whose origin dates back to the beginning of World War II. Dive Bomber (1941) by Michael Curtiz is an excellent teaching material to help in the understanding of the different causes of the pilots’ syncope at heights, allowing thinking and the search for solutions or alternatives through experiments that allow the recovery of the body homeostasis. His audiovisual material shares real scenes of the United States Army that allow access to these discoveries and the progress of the current state of modern aerospace physiology.
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Bachs A, Barraquer-Bordas L, Barraquer-Ferré L, Canadell J, Modolell A. Delayed myelopathy following atlanto-axial dislocation by separated odontoid proces. Brain. 1958;78(4):537-53.
Comens P, Reed D, Mette M. Physiologic responses of pilots flying high-performance aircraft. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1987;58(3):205-10.
Crockard HA, Heilman AE, Stevens JM. Progressive myelopathy secondary to odontoid fractures: Clinical, radiological, and surgical features. J Neurosurg. 1993;78(4):579-86.
Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Acquisition, Recognition, Course, and Treatment. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004; 16(2):135-47.
Domínguez-Vías G. The Disaster of 96: An educational way of explaining the physiological reactions produced as a consequence of exposure to low oxygen pressure at high altitude using the film Everest (2015). J Med Mov [Internet]. 2018;14(4):227-36.
Feil H, Petti M, Park O. The Schneider index as modified by diseases of the circulation. Am Heart J. 1943;26(1):1-10.
Figueroa JJ, Basford JR, Low PA. Preventing and treating orthostatic hypotension: As easy as A, B, C. Cleve Clin J Med. 2010;77(5):298-306.
Gentry J, Rango J, Zhang J, Biedermann S. Latent presentation of decompres- sion sickness after altitude chamber training in an active duty flier. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017;88(4):427-30.
Gonzalez L. Technique for fixating the atlantooccipital complex with a transarticular screw. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2002;27:219-20.
Grob D. Transarticular Screw Fixation for Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2001;26(6):703-7.
Guerrier S. Man on the moon. The Lancet Psychiatry 2019;6(7):570-2.
Hadley M, Walters B, Grabb P, Oyesiku N, Przybylski G, Resnick D, et al. Management of Combination Fractures of the Atlas and Axis in Adults. Neurosurgery. 2002;50(suppl_3):S140-7.
Harding RM, Mills FJ. Aviation medicine. Problems of altitude I: hypoxia and hyperventilation. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983;286(6375):1408-10.
Hoepfner M, Schultz M, Schultz J. Libelle Self-Contained Anti-G Ensemble: Overcoming Negative Transfer. J Aviat Educ Res. 2004; 13(2):21-34.
Inoriza JM, Estanyol N, Robert M, Galán R, Villalonga A. Fisiología en situaciones especiales: buceo, grandes alturas y vuelos aeronáuticos y espaciales. In: CEEA/ESA, editors. Fisiología aplicada a la Anestesiología. Madrid: Ergon; 2012. p. 417-27.
Jain KK. Cerebral Air Embolism, Chapter 12. In: Jain KK, editor. Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine. 6th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 121-30.
James PB, Jain KK. Decompression Sickness, Chapter 11. In: Jain KK, editor. Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine. 6th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 101-20.
Jefferson G. Fracture of the atlas vertebra. Report of four cases, and a review of those previously recorded. Br J Surg. 1919;7(27):407-22.
Kam P, Power I. Special environments, Chapter 16. In: Kam P, Power I, editors. Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2012. p. 429-435.
Ly C, Yusof MPM, Hasmi A, Mahmood M. Death of two military pilots in Hawk- 108 fighter jet crash. J Forensic Sci Med. 2018;4(2):101.
Martin-Ferrer S, Rimbau J, Joly MC, Teruel J, Pont J. Fracturas de la apofisis odontoides: Revision de nuestra casuistica, implicaciones terapeuticas y nueva clasificacion. Neurocirugia. 1999;10(6):426-38.
Martín Ferrer S, Rimbau Muñoz J, Feliu Tatay R. Atornillado anterior en las fracturas agudas de la odontoides. Neurocirugia. 1996;7(2):89-99.
Martín-Ferrer S. Traumatismos de la columna cervical alta: Clasificación tipológica, indicaciones terapéuticas y abordajes quirúrgicos (a propósito de 286 casos). Neurocirugia. 2006;17(5):391-419.
Miller C, Boulter J, Coughlin D, Rosner M, Neal C, Dirks M. Return-to-active-duty rates after anterior cervical spine surgery in military pilots. Neurosurg Focus. 2018;45(6):E10.
Morales-Avalos R, Villarreal-Garcia FI, Requena-Araujo PM, Guzmán-López S, Sanchez-Mejorada G, Esparza-Hernandez CN, et al. Anatomía Morfométrica de Importancia Clínica del Atlas en Relación a la Estabilización del Complejo Atlantoaxial y Occipitocervical. Int J Morphol. 2019;37(1):98-103.
Schlenger WE, Kulka RA, Fairbank JA, Hough RL, Jordan BK, Marmar CR, et al. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the Vietnam generation: A multimethod, multisource assessment of psychiatric disorder. J Trauma Stress. 1992;5(3):333-63.
Schreijer A, Cannegieter S, Caramella M, Meijers J, Krediet R, Simons R, et al. Fluid loss does not explain coagulation activation during air travel. Thromb Haemost. 2008; 99(06):1053-9.
Scott JM, Esch BTA, Goodman LS, Bredin SSD, Haykowsky MJ, Warburton DE. Cardiovascular consequences of high-performance aircraft maneuvers: Implications for effective countermeasures and laboratory-based simulations. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2007;32(2):332-9.
Shanker M. Recruitment process and its impact on retention of commercial pilots in Indian aviation industry. Bus Process Manag J. 2019.
Shayler DJ, Burgess C. The selections, Chapter 1. In: Shayler DJ, Burgess C, editors. The Last of NASA’s Original Pilot Astronauts: Expanding the Space Frontier in the Late Sixties. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 1-31.
Shi B, Wang XQ, Duan WD, Tan GD, Gao HJ, Pan YW, et al. Effects of positive acceleration (+Gz stress) on liver enzymes, energy metabolism, and liver histo- logy in rats. World J Gastroenterol. 2019;25(3):346-55.
Shin YH, Yun C, Han AH. Cervical spine status of pilots and air-controllers of air-borne early warning and control aircraft. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017;88(5):476-80.
Smith TG, Chang RW, Robbins PA, Dorrington KL. Commercial air travel and in-flight pulmonary hypertension. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013;84(1):65-7.
Street N. Book Review: Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2008;36(3):466.
Tawar A, Gokulakrishnan P. Decompression illness. J Mar Med Soc. 2019;21(2):112.
Tolga Aydo? S, Türbedar E, Demi?rel AH, Teti?k O, Akin A, Doral MN. Cervical and Lumbar Spinal Changes Diagnosed in Four-View Radiographs of 732 Military Pilots. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004;75(2):154-7.
Wiegmann DA, Taneja N. Analysis of injuries among pilots involved in fatal general aviation airplane accidents. Accid Anal Prev. 2003;35(4):571-7.
Yoon DH, Yang KH, Kim KN, Oh SH. Posterior atlantoaxial dislocation without fracture: Case report. J Neurosurg. 2003;98(1 Suppl):73-6.
Bachs A, Barraquer-Bordas L, Barraquer-Ferré L, Canadell J, Modolell A. Delayed myelopathy following atlanto-axial dislocation by separated odontoid proces. Brain. 1958;78(4):537-53.
Comens P, Reed D, Mette M. Physiologic responses of pilots flying high-performance aircraft. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1987;58(3):205-10.
Crockard HA, Heilman AE, Stevens JM. Progressive myelopathy secondary to odontoid fractures: Clinical, radiological, and surgical features. J Neurosurg. 1993;78(4):579-86.
Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Acquisition, Recognition, Course, and Treatment. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004; 16(2):135-47.
Domínguez-Vías G. The Disaster of 96: An educational way of explaining the physiological reactions produced as a consequence of exposure to low oxygen pressure at high altitude using the film Everest (2015). J Med Mov [Internet]. 2018;14(4):227-36.
Feil H, Petti M, Park O. The Schneider index as modified by diseases of the circulation. Am Heart J. 1943;26(1):1-10.
Figueroa JJ, Basford JR, Low PA. Preventing and treating orthostatic hypotension: As easy as A, B, C. Cleve Clin J Med. 2010;77(5):298-306.
Gentry J, Rango J, Zhang J, Biedermann S. Latent presentation of decompres- sion sickness after altitude chamber training in an active duty flier. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017;88(4):427-30.
Gonzalez L. Technique for fixating the atlantooccipital complex with a transarticular screw. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2002;27:219-20.
Grob D. Transarticular Screw Fixation for Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2001;26(6):703-7.
Guerrier S. Man on the moon. The Lancet Psychiatry 2019;6(7):570-2.
Hadley M, Walters B, Grabb P, Oyesiku N, Przybylski G, Resnick D, et al. Management of Combination Fractures of the Atlas and Axis in Adults. Neurosurgery. 2002;50(suppl_3):S140-7.
Harding RM, Mills FJ. Aviation medicine. Problems of altitude I: hypoxia and hyperventilation. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983;286(6375):1408-10.
Hoepfner M, Schultz M, Schultz J. Libelle Self-Contained Anti-G Ensemble: Overcoming Negative Transfer. J Aviat Educ Res. 2004; 13(2):21-34.
Inoriza JM, Estanyol N, Robert M, Galán R, Villalonga A. Fisiología en situaciones especiales: buceo, grandes alturas y vuelos aeronáuticos y espaciales. In: CEEA/ESA, editors. Fisiología aplicada a la Anestesiología. Madrid: Ergon; 2012. p. 417-27.
Jain KK. Cerebral Air Embolism, Chapter 12. In: Jain KK, editor. Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine. 6th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 121-30.
James PB, Jain KK. Decompression Sickness, Chapter 11. In: Jain KK, editor. Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine. 6th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 101-20.
Jefferson G. Fracture of the atlas vertebra. Report of four cases, and a review of those previously recorded. Br J Surg. 1919;7(27):407-22.
Kam P, Power I. Special environments, Chapter 16. In: Kam P, Power I, editors. Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 2012. p. 429-435.
Ly C, Yusof MPM, Hasmi A, Mahmood M. Death of two military pilots in Hawk- 108 fighter jet crash. J Forensic Sci Med. 2018;4(2):101.
Martin-Ferrer S, Rimbau J, Joly MC, Teruel J, Pont J. Fracturas de la apofisis odontoides: Revision de nuestra casuistica, implicaciones terapeuticas y nueva clasificacion. Neurocirugia. 1999;10(6):426-38.
Martín Ferrer S, Rimbau Muñoz J, Feliu Tatay R. Atornillado anterior en las fracturas agudas de la odontoides. Neurocirugia. 1996;7(2):89-99.
Martín-Ferrer S. Traumatismos de la columna cervical alta: Clasificación tipológica, indicaciones terapéuticas y abordajes quirúrgicos (a propósito de 286 casos). Neurocirugia. 2006;17(5):391-419.
Miller C, Boulter J, Coughlin D, Rosner M, Neal C, Dirks M. Return-to-active-duty rates after anterior cervical spine surgery in military pilots. Neurosurg Focus. 2018;45(6):E10.
Morales-Avalos R, Villarreal-Garcia FI, Requena-Araujo PM, Guzmán-López S, Sanchez-Mejorada G, Esparza-Hernandez CN, et al. Anatomía Morfométrica de Importancia Clínica del Atlas en Relación a la Estabilización del Complejo Atlantoaxial y Occipitocervical. Int J Morphol. 2019;37(1):98-103.
Schlenger WE, Kulka RA, Fairbank JA, Hough RL, Jordan BK, Marmar CR, et al. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the Vietnam generation: A multimethod, multisource assessment of psychiatric disorder. J Trauma Stress. 1992;5(3):333-63.
Schreijer A, Cannegieter S, Caramella M, Meijers J, Krediet R, Simons R, et al. Fluid loss does not explain coagulation activation during air travel. Thromb Haemost. 2008; 99(06):1053-9.
Scott JM, Esch BTA, Goodman LS, Bredin SSD, Haykowsky MJ, Warburton DE. Cardiovascular consequences of high-performance aircraft maneuvers: Implications for effective countermeasures and laboratory-based simulations. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2007;32(2):332-9.
Shanker M. Recruitment process and its impact on retention of commercial pilots in Indian aviation industry. Bus Process Manag J. 2019.
Shayler DJ, Burgess C. The selections, Chapter 1. In: Shayler DJ, Burgess C, editors. The Last of NASA’s Original Pilot Astronauts: Expanding the Space Frontier in the Late Sixties. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017. p. 1-31.
Shi B, Wang XQ, Duan WD, Tan GD, Gao HJ, Pan YW, et al. Effects of positive acceleration (+Gz stress) on liver enzymes, energy metabolism, and liver histo- logy in rats. World J Gastroenterol. 2019;25(3):346-55.
Shin YH, Yun C, Han AH. Cervical spine status of pilots and air-controllers of air-borne early warning and control aircraft. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017;88(5):476-80.
Smith TG, Chang RW, Robbins PA, Dorrington KL. Commercial air travel and in-flight pulmonary hypertension. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013;84(1):65-7.
Street N. Book Review: Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2008;36(3):466.
Tawar A, Gokulakrishnan P. Decompression illness. J Mar Med Soc. 2019;21(2):112.
Tolga Aydo? S, Türbedar E, Demi?rel AH, Teti?k O, Akin A, Doral MN. Cervical and Lumbar Spinal Changes Diagnosed in Four-View Radiographs of 732 Military Pilots. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004;75(2):154-7.
Wiegmann DA, Taneja N. Analysis of injuries among pilots involved in fatal general aviation airplane accidents. Accid Anal Prev. 2003;35(4):571-7.
Yoon DH, Yang KH, Kim KN, Oh SH. Posterior atlantoaxial dislocation without fracture: Case report. J Neurosurg. 2003;98(1 Suppl):73-6.
Domínguez-Vías, G. (2020). Dive Bomber (1941): a study model of aviation physiology. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(4), 261–277. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc2020164261277
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