Proyecto lázaro (2016): de la criopreservación celular a humana. Mito y realidad para la formación docente en el área de ciencias de la salud
Resumen Existe un creciente pensamiento de postergar el avance de una enfermedad terminal mediante la criopreservación de los cuerpos de los pacientes. Ante el miedo a morir de enfermedades se confían que en el futuro podrán ser reanimados y tratados con novedosas terapias que le supondrán la cura y eliminación de la patología. Aunque parezca ciencia ficción la realidad es que ya se está realizando con organismos celulares para la conservación de especies y ante enfermedades que alteran la reproducción. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de embriones los comités éticos no tienen todavía una estrategia definida. Por esa razón, este trabajo intenta enfocar una interrelación entre profesorado y alumnado para la discusión y reflexión de la criopreservación de pacientes, mostrando los últimos avances e informes sobre este aspecto.
- Referencias
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Caire AB. La cryogénisation. J Int Bioethique Ethique Sci 2018;29(3–4):54–70.
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Belaisch-Allart J, Brzakowski M, Chouraqui A, Grefenstette I, Mayenga JM, Muller E, et al. [Social egg freezing: which problems?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2013;41(9):518–520.
Shido O, Sugimoto N, Imoto T, Asai A, Maruyama M, Hara T, et al. Endogenous cryogens existing in the blood of a hypothermic patient. Jpn J Physiol 2004;54(5):449–456.
Shido O, Sugimoto N. Possible human endogenous cryogens. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2011;12(4):288–292.
Moen OM. The case for cryonics. J Med Ethics 2015;41(8):677–681.
Benson JD, Woods EJ, Walters EM, Critser JK. The cryobiology of spermatozoa. Theriogenology 2012;78(8):1682–1699.
Polge C, Smith AU, PARKES AS. Revival of spermatozoa after vitrification and dehydration at low temperatures. Nature 1949;164(4172):666.
Best BP. Scientific justification of cryonics practice. Rejuvenation Res 2008;11(2):493–503.
Canatelli-Mallat M, Lascaray F, Entraigues-Abramson M, Portiansky EL, Blamaceda N, Morel GR, et al. Cryopreservation of a Human Brain and Its Experimental Correlate in Rats. Rejuvenation Res 2020;23(6):516–525.
Pickering A. Cyborg spirituality. Med Hist 2011; 55(3):349–353.
Orive G, Taebnia N, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A. A New Era for Cyborg Science Is Emerging: The Promise of Cyborganic Beings. Adv Healthc Mater 2020;9(1):e1901023.
Khatana S, Kumar S, Khatana R. Craniofacial exoskeleton: cyborg realm or new age reality? Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020; 1.
Iserson KV. Souls on ice. In: Death to dust: what happens to dead bodies? 2nd Ed. Mountain View: Galen Press Ltd.; 2001. p. 1–821.
Petropanagos A. Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation and Ethical Considerations: A Scoping Review. J Bioeth Inq 2017;14(2):217–228.
Di Pietro ML, Virdis A, Gonzalez-Melado FJ, De Luca D. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue in pediatrics: what is the child’s best interest? J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(10):2145–2148.
Di Pietro ML, Teleman AA. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue in pediatrics: practical and ethical issues. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013;26(15):1524–1527.
Schleedoorn MJ, Mulder BH, Braat D, Beerendonk C, Peek R, Nelen W, et al. International consensus: ovarian tissue cryopreservation in young Turner syndrome patients: outcomes of an ethical Delphi study including 55 experts from 16 different countries. Hum Reprod 2020;35(5):1061–1072.
Valenzuela CY. Scientific ethics of human origin. Rev Med Chil 1997;125(6):701–705.
Monti M, Redi CA. The biopolitics of frozen embryos. Int J Dev Biol 2011;55(3):243–247.
Eberl JT. Metaphysical and Moral Status of Cryopreserved Embryos. Linacre Q 2012;79(3):304–315.
Caire AB. La cryogénisation. J Int Bioethique Ethique Sci 2018;29(3–4):54–70.
Guérin JF. [Vitrification of oocytes and embryos: the law, the results, the future]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2012;40 (Suppl. 1):24–27.
Belaisch-Allart J, Brzakowski M, Chouraqui A, Grefenstette I, Mayenga JM, Muller E, et al. [Social egg freezing: which problems?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2013;41(9):518–520.
Shido O, Sugimoto N, Imoto T, Asai A, Maruyama M, Hara T, et al. Endogenous cryogens existing in the blood of a hypothermic patient. Jpn J Physiol 2004;54(5):449–456.
Shido O, Sugimoto N. Possible human endogenous cryogens. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2011;12(4):288–292.
Moen OM. The case for cryonics. J Med Ethics 2015;41(8):677–681.
Benson JD, Woods EJ, Walters EM, Critser JK. The cryobiology of spermatozoa. Theriogenology 2012;78(8):1682–1699.
Polge C, Smith AU, PARKES AS. Revival of spermatozoa after vitrification and dehydration at low temperatures. Nature 1949;164(4172):666.
Best BP. Scientific justification of cryonics practice. Rejuvenation Res 2008;11(2):493–503.
Canatelli-Mallat M, Lascaray F, Entraigues-Abramson M, Portiansky EL, Blamaceda N, Morel GR, et al. Cryopreservation of a Human Brain and Its Experimental Correlate in Rats. Rejuvenation Res 2020;23(6):516–525.
Pickering A. Cyborg spirituality. Med Hist 2011; 55(3):349–353.
Orive G, Taebnia N, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A. A New Era for Cyborg Science Is Emerging: The Promise of Cyborganic Beings. Adv Healthc Mater 2020;9(1):e1901023.
Khatana S, Kumar S, Khatana R. Craniofacial exoskeleton: cyborg realm or new age reality? Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020; 1.
Iserson KV. Souls on ice. In: Death to dust: what happens to dead bodies? 2nd Ed. Mountain View: Galen Press Ltd.; 2001. p. 1–821.
Petropanagos A. Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation and Ethical Considerations: A Scoping Review. J Bioeth Inq 2017;14(2):217–228.
Di Pietro ML, Virdis A, Gonzalez-Melado FJ, De Luca D. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue in pediatrics: what is the child’s best interest? J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(10):2145–2148.
Di Pietro ML, Teleman AA. Cryopreservation of testicular tissue in pediatrics: practical and ethical issues. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2013;26(15):1524–1527.
Schleedoorn MJ, Mulder BH, Braat D, Beerendonk C, Peek R, Nelen W, et al. International consensus: ovarian tissue cryopreservation in young Turner syndrome patients: outcomes of an ethical Delphi study including 55 experts from 16 different countries. Hum Reprod 2020;35(5):1061–1072.
Valenzuela CY. Scientific ethics of human origin. Rev Med Chil 1997;125(6):701–705.
Monti M, Redi CA. The biopolitics of frozen embryos. Int J Dev Biol 2011;55(3):243–247.
Eberl JT. Metaphysical and Moral Status of Cryopreserved Embryos. Linacre Q 2012;79(3):304–315.
Suleiman-Martos, N., García-Lara, R., Narbona-Sánchez, I. ., & Domínguez-Vías, G. (2022). Proyecto lázaro (2016): de la criopreservación celular a humana. Mito y realidad para la formación docente en el área de ciencias de la salud. Revista De Medicina Y Cine, 18(3), 193–203.
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