From fiction to reality: Tissue regeneration in relation to Ransom Riggs´ «Tales of the Peculiar»

  • Carlos Omar Martínez Gómez
    Universidad Marista de Mérida
  • Nina Méndez Domínguez
    Universidad Marista de Mérida ninuxka[at]


Ransom Riggs´ wealthy cannibals, deals with the history of the peculiar inhabitants of the village of Swampmuck, who were humble workers who lived on agriculture and possessed the amazing ability to complete regeneration of limbs, same that earned them their doom before the arrival of civilized and wealthy cannibals that were avid to acquire limbs for their sustenance. The cannibals´ proposal was very clear, they wanted to buy body parts from the inhabitants of the village, and as the self-perception of the farmers changed, and their desire to possess large amounts of money, gold and jewelry in return, had a devastating impact on the inhabitants of the village. In this article, the wealthy cannibals story is taken as a reference of contextualizing this fictional story to today’s society, trying to glimpse the potential impact on health care and prevention that could derive from a potential manipulation of stem cells to regenerate human tissues. Thus, we discuss the scope of this regenerative health medicine, given the chronic degenerative diseases epidemiological trends and at the same time, we explore the ethical implications that this could lead manipulation of stem cells is already an emerging experimental mode.
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Martínez Gómez, C. O., & Méndez Domínguez, N. (2017). From fiction to reality: Tissue regeneration in relation to Ransom Riggs´ «Tales of the Peculiar». Journal of Medicine and Movies, 13(3), 135–139. Retrieved from

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