Franz Anton Mesmer, an introverted personality in medicine and film


This paper focuses on a controversial figure in Medicine: Franz Anton Mesmer, who lived during the 18th century and the early 19th century. A biographical context, supported in different authors, explains his professional heterodoxy and his eventual legacy to Medicine, providing simultaneously a referential framework for the equally debatable film Mesmer (1994) and allowing a comparison between the historical truthfulness and the non historical changes made in favour of cinematographic language. Historical film with well-matched wardrobe, approaches to us a polemic physician considered just a medical pioneer or, in contrast, a mere fake linked with occultism and swindle.
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D’ottavio, A. E. (2012). Franz Anton Mesmer, an introverted personality in medicine and film. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(1), 12–18. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Alberto Enrique D’ottavio

Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Matheu 371. 2000 Rosario (Argentina).