Una esperanza muy sanguínea para estos tiempos de pandemia
Resumen El artículo hace referencia al desarrollo histórico de las terapias de inmunidad pasiva en enfermedades infecciosas y su actual aplicabilidad a los pacientes afectados por COVID-19. En paralelo también realiza un enfoque desde el costado humanístico que involucra la donación de sangre, sumado al profundo simbolismo conferido por distintas culturas respecto a este elemento tan vital.
- Referencias
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1. Behring E, Kitasato S. Über das Zustandekommen der Diphtherie-Immunität und der Tetanus-Immunität bei Thieren. Dtsch Med Wschr 1890; 49:1113-4.
2. Behring E. Untersuchungen ueber das Zustandekommen der Diphtherie-Immunität bei Thieren. Dtsch Med Wschr 1890; 50: 1145-8.
3. Behring E. Die Geschichte der Diphtherie (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Immunitätslehre). Verlag von Georg Thieme, Leipzig: Verlag von Georg Thieme 1893.
4. Luke TC, Kilbane EM, Jackson JL, and Hoffman SL. Meta-analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment? Ann Intern Med 2006;145(8): 599-609.
5. Arribalzaga, RA. Una nueva enfermedad epidémica a germen desconocido: hipertermia, nefrotóxica, leucopénica y enantemática. El Día Médico (Buenos Aires) 1955; 27: 1204-10.
6. Maiztegui JI, Fernandez NJ, de Damilano AJ. Efficacy of immune plasma in treatment of argentine hæmorrhagic fever and association between treatment and a late neurological syndrome. Lancet 1979; 2(8154):1216-7.
7. Enria DA, Briggiler AM, Fernandez NJ, Levis SC, Maiztegui JI. Importance of dose of neutralising antibodies in treatment of argentine haemorrhagic fever with immune plasma. Lancet 1984; 2(8397):255-6.
8. Cheng Y, Wong R, Soo YOY, Wong WS, Lee CK, Ng MHL, et al. Use of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2005; 24(1): 44-6.5
9. Hung IF, To KK, Lee CK, Lee KL, Chan K, Yan WW, et al. Convalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infection. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52(4): 447-56.
10. Duan K, Liu B, Li C, Zhang H, Yu T, Qu J, et al. Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020; 117(17): 9490-6.
11. Shen C, Wang Z, Zhao F, Yang Y, Li J, Yuan J, et al. Treatment of 5 critically ill patients with COVID-19 with convalescent plasma. JAMA 2020; 323(16): 1582-9.
12. Zhang B, Liu S, Tan T, Huang W, Dong Y, Chen L, et al. Treatment with convalescent plasma for critically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. Chest 2020;158(1):e9-e13.
13. Li L, Zhang W, Hu Y, Tong X, Zheng S, Yang J, et al. Effect of convalescent plasma therapy on time to clinical improvement in patients with severe and life-threatening COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2020: e2010044.
14. Ehrlich P. Experimentelle untersuchungen über immunität. Dtsch Med Wschr 1891; 17: 976-9.
15. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908. NobelPrize.org. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1908/summary/
16. Zielinska E. Side-chain theory, circa 1900. The Scientist [Internet]. Jun 30, 2013.
17. Tiselius A, Kabat EA. An electrophoretic study of immune sera and purified antibody preparations. J Exp Med 1939; 69(1):119-31.
18. Pauling L. A theory of the structure and process of formation of antibodies. J Am Chem Soc. 1940; 62:2643-57.
19. Kugelberg E. Milestone 3: searching for the antibody producers. Nat Milest Antib. 2016; S7. 10.1038/ni.3602
20. Burnet FM. A modification of Jerne's theory of antibody production using the concept of clonal selection. CA Cancer J Clin. 1976; 26(2): 119-21.
21. Nossal GJV, Lederberg J. Antibody production by single cells. Nature. 1958; 181(4620):1419-20.
22. Porter RR. The hydrolysis of rabbit ?-globulin and antibodies with crystalline papain. Biochem J. 1959; 73(1):119-26.
23. Kohler G, Milstein C. Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibodies of predefined specificity. Nature. 1975; 256(5517):495-7
24. Black CA. A brief history of the discovery of the immunoglobulins and the origin of the modern immunoglobulin nomenclature. Immunol Cell Biol. 1997; 75(1):65-8.
2. Behring E. Untersuchungen ueber das Zustandekommen der Diphtherie-Immunität bei Thieren. Dtsch Med Wschr 1890; 50: 1145-8.
3. Behring E. Die Geschichte der Diphtherie (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Immunitätslehre). Verlag von Georg Thieme, Leipzig: Verlag von Georg Thieme 1893.
4. Luke TC, Kilbane EM, Jackson JL, and Hoffman SL. Meta-analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment? Ann Intern Med 2006;145(8): 599-609.
5. Arribalzaga, RA. Una nueva enfermedad epidémica a germen desconocido: hipertermia, nefrotóxica, leucopénica y enantemática. El Día Médico (Buenos Aires) 1955; 27: 1204-10.
6. Maiztegui JI, Fernandez NJ, de Damilano AJ. Efficacy of immune plasma in treatment of argentine hæmorrhagic fever and association between treatment and a late neurological syndrome. Lancet 1979; 2(8154):1216-7.
7. Enria DA, Briggiler AM, Fernandez NJ, Levis SC, Maiztegui JI. Importance of dose of neutralising antibodies in treatment of argentine haemorrhagic fever with immune plasma. Lancet 1984; 2(8397):255-6.
8. Cheng Y, Wong R, Soo YOY, Wong WS, Lee CK, Ng MHL, et al. Use of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2005; 24(1): 44-6.5
9. Hung IF, To KK, Lee CK, Lee KL, Chan K, Yan WW, et al. Convalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus infection. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 52(4): 447-56.
10. Duan K, Liu B, Li C, Zhang H, Yu T, Qu J, et al. Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020; 117(17): 9490-6.
11. Shen C, Wang Z, Zhao F, Yang Y, Li J, Yuan J, et al. Treatment of 5 critically ill patients with COVID-19 with convalescent plasma. JAMA 2020; 323(16): 1582-9.
12. Zhang B, Liu S, Tan T, Huang W, Dong Y, Chen L, et al. Treatment with convalescent plasma for critically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. Chest 2020;158(1):e9-e13.
13. Li L, Zhang W, Hu Y, Tong X, Zheng S, Yang J, et al. Effect of convalescent plasma therapy on time to clinical improvement in patients with severe and life-threatening COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2020: e2010044.
14. Ehrlich P. Experimentelle untersuchungen über immunität. Dtsch Med Wschr 1891; 17: 976-9.
15. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908. NobelPrize.org. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1908/summary/
16. Zielinska E. Side-chain theory, circa 1900. The Scientist [Internet]. Jun 30, 2013.
17. Tiselius A, Kabat EA. An electrophoretic study of immune sera and purified antibody preparations. J Exp Med 1939; 69(1):119-31.
18. Pauling L. A theory of the structure and process of formation of antibodies. J Am Chem Soc. 1940; 62:2643-57.
19. Kugelberg E. Milestone 3: searching for the antibody producers. Nat Milest Antib. 2016; S7. 10.1038/ni.3602
20. Burnet FM. A modification of Jerne's theory of antibody production using the concept of clonal selection. CA Cancer J Clin. 1976; 26(2): 119-21.
21. Nossal GJV, Lederberg J. Antibody production by single cells. Nature. 1958; 181(4620):1419-20.
22. Porter RR. The hydrolysis of rabbit ?-globulin and antibodies with crystalline papain. Biochem J. 1959; 73(1):119-26.
23. Kohler G, Milstein C. Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibodies of predefined specificity. Nature. 1975; 256(5517):495-7
24. Black CA. A brief history of the discovery of the immunoglobulins and the origin of the modern immunoglobulin nomenclature. Immunol Cell Biol. 1997; 75(1):65-8.
Bottasso, O. (2021). Una esperanza muy sanguínea para estos tiempos de pandemia. Revista De Medicina Y Cine, 16(e), 261–267. https://doi.org/10.14201/rmc202016e261267
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