Observation and description of works of art in the medical teaching. An experience at the University of Oviedo

  • Agustín Hidalgo
    Universidad de Oviedo hidalgo[at]uniovi.es
  • Claudio Hidalgo
    2Colegio Salesiano de Enseñanza Secundaria "María Auxiliadora". Mérida
  • Begoña Cantabrana Cantabrana
    Universidad de Oviedo


The analysis of works of art has is of educational interest in medicine because it allows students to initiate the skill of observation, necessary to educate the gaze in a thorough and systematic clinical exploration. With the aim of exploring the possible formative role of analysis, documentation, description of works of art and their subsequent communication 150 medical students per course participated. Students achieved a grade of 8.5 or above out of 10 in the communication and documentation exercises. They also identified, in more than 90% of cases, elements related to medicine, but were less efficient at relating the pictorial, figurative or accessory elements, or transferring at present the history reflected in the work of art. More than 60% of the students consider that the activity has a formative interest.
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Hidalgo, A., Hidalgo, C., & Cantabrana, B. C. (2018). Observation and description of works of art in the medical teaching. An experience at the University of Oviedo. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 14(2), 115–122. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/medicina_y_cine/article/view/18525

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