Review of Positional Nystagmus


Introduction and objective: Any change of position of the head (dynamic or static) can trigger a nystagmus or increase the spontaneous. This nystagmus we call it positional. We intend to review in this chapter its definition, clinical features, etiology and the way of exploring it. Method: narrative review. Results: Positional vertigo is the most frequent vestibular disorder, and most of the times of peripheral cause. Characteristics of nystagmus or its association with other neurological symptoms are sufficient grounds to request a magnetic resonance, which will provide additional information on very few occasions. Discussion: The study of the positional nystagmus as a procedure to rule out central pathology has lost much of its relevance. Signs that Nylén defined mixed findings peripheral and central, making complex classification. Conclusion: Regardless of how to bring the patient change position (very slow or fast), if it appears an atypical nystagmus should rule out a central origin.
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Author Biographies

José Ignacio Benito-Orejas

SACYL, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, España
Licenciado Especialista de ORL del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid.

José Valda-Rodrigo

SACYL. Valladolid
Otorrinolaringólogo. Jubilado. Burgos.

José Alonso-vielba-varea

SACYL. Valladolid
Otorrinolaringólogo. Actividad Privada. Valladolid.