‘Hamlet’ and ‘Sigismund’ Taken as ‘Political Emblems’ of the Seventeenth Century’s European Statet System: Some International Relations Theory’ Perspectives


To consider once again the symbolic correlation between the protagonists of the archetypical Baroque dramas –The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark and La vida es sueño– would not provide any substantial novelty to the mainly concerned studies: Literature, Theatre… But to analyze them from an International Relations Theory perspective could imply an alternative view; intertwined with the historical circumstances, emerge crucial political-philosophical notions: reason of State, balance of power, European State system, sovereign power’s legitimacy, rejection of tyranny. Besides, it would be also possible the appraisal of some of the ‘biopolitical’ conditions involving the modern subject of liberty –reduced to a mere ‘body’ imprisoned within the ‘reason of State’– confronted to the Absolutist oppression: the reflection about the government’s functions helps to elucidate the political reason and the political passion (Foucault). Taken as ‘emblems’, ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Sigismund’ express significant ideas, concepts and political beliefs of their time, revealing essential aspects of the European History.
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