Continental Contemporary Readings of the English Revolution. The Cases of Italy and Spain as Examples


Initiated at the very beginning of the movements, discussions about the origin and causes of the English revolution have become one of the most valuable themes within the Anglo-Saxon historiography. On the contrary, continental contemporary readings of those events remain to be decoded and fully comprehended. This article reveals and examines some of those readings, notably those registered in Italian republics and in Spain, including some of them which have remained so far out of the scope of the historian. Despite the common features apprehended among the cases studied, all of them show a wide range of interpretations; variety which derives from the different forms of approaching to the past, from the degree of pragmatism of the reports analysed, and from the ideological and cultural positioning of their authors.
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Author Biography

Ángel Alloza Aparicio

Instituto de Historia, CSIC
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Instituto de Historia, CSIC. C/ Albasanz 26-28. Madrid 28037 (España)