Epigrafía del Paisaje en el análisis de la materialidad funeraria


In this paper, we propose to study the funerary dimension through iconographic representations and descriptions about the provision of offerings in relation to political institutions (temples and palaces) and the state administration of Ur in Mesopotamia and Thebes in Egypt, considering the places in the landscape, valuing both its physical properties and weighing its intangible aspects. To this end, we focus on an approach that is based on the analysis of documents that refer to funeral spaces, but also highlighting aspects concerning their production, distribution, and storage. In this way, elements related to their systemic contexts and their semantic characters (or internal components) are emphasized. For this reason, we call this analysis perspective Landscape Epigraphy and it can be thought of in parallel to that of «materiality of the linguistic sign», which maintains that writing can be considered a materiality that recreates the universe of social relations, by bring together in the modality of texts and iconographies, cultural interventions, and mental representations with the selected places in the regional space. To do this, a tripartition of the landscape between humans, places, and objects is contemplated, focusing on: (a) practices, (b) agents, and (c) spatialities.
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