Teaching History and Civic Education in Slovenia


The article explains how civic education is included in the subject of history in elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia. History is a compulsory subject taught in elementary and secondary schools and plays an important role in the cultural, social and political education of young people – young citizens. The analysis of current history curricula indicates that they contain civic and patriotic elements in the general and specific objectives and learning outcomes, as well as in the content. The analysis of selected history textbooks shows that Slovenian textbooks include more European history than Slovenian history. The article explains what social and civic competences can be developed and fostered in the subject of history and how elementary and secondary school students can use various examples from the past to develop a positive attitude towards Slovenian identity and the protection of Slovenian cultural heritage, a respectful attitude towards human rights and democratic citizenship, towards different cultures, religions and nations, and responsible socio-political activity. It has been noted that history teachers have many opportunities to teach students the relevant values of democratic citizenship and to enable them to know and understand themselves as individuals and as members of the local and global communities. However, more attention should be paid to contemporary Slovenian history and active citizenship.
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