A «Gender Correspondent» Avant la Lettre: A Critical Study of Emma Sarepta Yule’s (1863-1939) Chronicles of East Asian Women

  • Montserrat Crespín Perales
    Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Barcelona m.crespin[at]ub.edu


This article presents an illustrative case study of the role of women in the print media at the beginning of the last century that serves to critically examine the chronicles signed by Emma Sarepta Yule (1863-1939) on women in East Asia, published in the journals Scribner's Magazine and Current History. The aim is to highlight the ideological, cultural, and gender elements evident in Yule’s reports dedicated to the Asian "new woman", and how the writings reflect the geopolitical context of the time. This seeks to highlight the role of these "gender correspondents" to discuss the representation of the "new woman" in Japan, China, and Korea that they disseminated in magazines. Likewise, the "geosexual" and "geoideological" factors of their texts are reviewed, as well as the contradictions between the reality of those women and the journalist's attempt to superimpose, handling the category "new woman", principles and values ​​of the "Protestant modernity" mobilized with the help of the establishment in Asia of women-led organizations such as the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA). The disputed nature of modernity and feminism in East Asia during this period is underlined by studying how foreign journalists played a substantial role in the construction of the image of the "new woman" in the region, to conclude by showing the relevance that this journalistic production had in transmitting the liberal-idealist ideology inherent to the interwar international society and the epistemic problems that it presents.
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