Post-Modern Hortus Conclusus: The Shelter of the Technocrats. Representations of the Social Status in Urbanism and Architecture as they are Reflected in Cinema from the late Capitalism (circa. 1980-)


In this cultural study we will discuss how the cinema from the last four decades has shown the urban space dedicated to the upper classes: those are very distinctly marked spaces and the upper-lower exchange areas are strictly marked out. During late capitalism cities have been designed according to a markedly bipolar scheme, with small fenced areas reserved to the lucky elite, and large slum areas around them. The films from these years have captured this view, as this art is a diffuser of ideas among large audiences. This analysis has taken into account movies from several genres, kinds and origins: fantasy, drama, cult movies, blockbusters, Hollywood, European cinema, South American movies… The proposed part of the viewing of several movies, plus a theoretical basis of bibliographical references that sustains the discourse.
  • Referencias
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Ferrer Ventosa, R. (2020). Post-Modern Hortus Conclusus: The Shelter of the Technocrats. Representations of the Social Status in Urbanism and Architecture as they are Reflected in Cinema from the late Capitalism (circa. 1980-). El Futuro Del Pasado, 11, 527–546.


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Author Biography

Roger Ferrer Ventosa

Universidad de Lisboa
Investigador postdoctoral Universidad de Lisboa, CIEBA