‘Nam Generation. Vietnam Veterans: Youth, Social Inequality and Demovilization Culture in the United States


This paper turns around the construction of the war veteran culture, taking the example of the Vietnam War soldiers and veterans, based on the idea that this is a product of the social inequality and cultural context of the 60’s. The Vietnam War is known as the unpopular war par excellence, a demoralizing counter-insurgency war fought by drafted teenagers of working class and minorities that originated very visible physiological scarfs between the troops, and at the same time, generated an incredible wave of working-class resistance, mutiny and indiscipline inside the army.
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Soler Ruda, A. (2017). ‘Nam Generation. Vietnam Veterans: Youth, Social Inequality and Demovilization Culture in the United States. El Futuro Del Pasado, 8, 121–146. https://doi.org/10.14516/fdp.2017.008.001.004


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