A Tool for the Recovery and Dissemination of Heritage. Naval and Maritime Museums in the Spanish-Speaking World

  • Fernando Díaz Pérez
    Cátedra de Historia Naval, Universidad de Murcia fernando.diaz[at]um.es
  • Lorena Martínez Solís
    Cátedra de Historia Naval, Universidad de Murcia
  • Celia Chaín Navarro
    Cátedra de Historia Naval, Universidad de Murcia


This article systematizes the information available for all the Naval and Maritime Museums in Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. The aim is to develop an online tool that will be permanently available from any location and will bring together useful and essential data about this type of cultural institutions, being serviceable for general users and particularly for researchers.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Díaz Pérez, F., Martínez Solís, L., & Chaín Navarro, C. (2016). A Tool for the Recovery and Dissemination of Heritage. Naval and Maritime Museums in the Spanish-Speaking World. El Futuro Del Pasado, 7, 553–574. https://doi.org/10.14516/fdp.2016.007.001.020

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