Religion and sport. Between rite and spectacle


There are many convergences and affinities between religion and sport. This happens since long time ago. Greece is a good example for this. The Olympics were born there because of a religious context.The modern Olympics started in 1896 as a turning point in the history of the sport. Their roots were both ethical and religious, if we consider the person of the founder, de Coubertin.Today the link between religion and sport is well evident, and it is more and more stressed through rites, prayers, gestures, symbols, and many other modalities, that are present in sport events, their preparation, and following moments.Sociological studies confirm a relevant presence of religious inspiration for sport activities, which are accompanied by religious practices and behaviors, from their foundation till the legitimation of past memories.Namely in soccer competitions para-religious movements and cults are active in order to reach positive results, in a continuous search for the victory.
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