Clergy of Cathedral and consumption of chocolate in Burgos in the Eighteenth Century


The distribution and consumption of chocolate invaded, as a persistent «fever», the material culture and the nourishing habits in the eighteenth century. The Castilian houses were provided, increasingly, with chocolate pots, to pour the nutritious and desired chocolate. The cocoa arrived, with more or less profusion, to the markets and shops in the cities and the cupboards and pantries of homes. The clergymen were not unaware of that process and even had an amazing collective problem, that of the Cathedral chapter, with the main goal –often full of anxiety and tension with the suppliers and the municipal and state authorities, to get a sustainable logistic of raw material, cocoa, for their homes.
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Sanz De La Higuera, F. J. (2014). Clergy of Cathedral and consumption of chocolate in Burgos in the Eighteenth Century. El Futuro Del Pasado, 5, 299–315.


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