Evenings of Teaching and Parish: The indoctrination of girls by means of the magazines Bazar and Tin Tan during Franco’s dictatorship in Spain (1947-1957)

  • Francisco Javier Martínez Cuesta
    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca jmalfonsosa[at]upsa.es
  • José Manuel Alfonso Sánchez
    Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca


The Feminine Section and Catholic Action carried out similar work related to training as well as social and health care. The former was more political in its focus while the latter was more religious. From the very beginning both organizations created their own periodic publications, which were either internal if aimed at leaders and active members and external, if they were to be read by the general public. While the former served to train and define its own members, the newspapers and magazines for the masses were used to project their political or religious ideals and to try to recruit new followers. We will concentrate on two of them which were aimed at a young female readership: Bazar, which was published by the Feminine Section and Tin Tan, which was published by Catholic Action.
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Martínez Cuesta, F. J., & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2013). Evenings of Teaching and Parish: The indoctrination of girls by means of the magazines Bazar and Tin Tan during Franco’s dictatorship in Spain (1947-1957). El Futuro Del Pasado, 4, 227–253. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24755


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