Three ways of restitution to the Indians in the government of Tucumán (XVIIth century)

  • Margarita E. Gentile Lafaille
    Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) / Universidad Nacional de La Plata margagentile[at]


These three cases of restitution to the Indians show the adaptation of the institution in the government of Tucuman; there, the seventeenth century was a time of fast and definitive chages for all its inhabitants.The first passed around 1615, the second c.1640, when still the “encomienda indiana” system was functional to the mining and most products of Tucumán were for the highlands. Instead, the third case passed when they were evident the lack of indigenous manpower and had changed the scope of Spanish law in the Indies. On the other hand, the subject in himself of the Restitution, to where, was not object of studies detailed in relation to the government of Tucuman. The lack of the news can be due to that it seems here that was not called to this institution by its name.
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  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Gentile Lafaille, M. E. (2012). Three ways of restitution to the Indians in the government of Tucumán (XVIIth century). El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 333–370.


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