Women in Islam. Analysis from a socio-educational perspective


The diversity of existing realities with regard to the situation of the woman in the Arabic world does that we should approach the topic with certain caution. In the present article we expose a bibliographical review on woman and Islam in order to understand the principal debates that they have been presenting in the scientific literature from a socio-educational perspective and the analysis that from them is extracted. For the location and selection of the scientific articles that will be analyzed in this study, we have used essentially five databases: Dialnet, ISOC, Francis, Education Research Complete and Eric. In spite of the diversity of prisms with which the topic is analyzed, one of the ideas that appears of form repeated in diverse texts is the importance that the Islam has had to improve the situation of the women in the Arabic companies. Different good is the fundamentalist interpretation that in many regions of the árabo-Moslem world has been done of the Islamic law, reducing the woman to a background.
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Terrón Caro, T. (2012). Women in Islam. Analysis from a socio-educational perspective. El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 237–254. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24722


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