A gendered approach to the media coverage of the Arab world conflicts: the invasion of Iraq through the eyes of the female journalists of the Spanish public television (TVE)


The recent revolutions in the Arab countries have once again attracted the attention to a geographic area generally seen by the «Western world» with suspicion and distrust. But before Tunisia, Egypt, Libya or Syria, in 2003, the war in Iraq was considered the most important media conflict of the history. This invasion had apparently a live coverage by thousands of media posted there. In Spain, five women covered the invasion for the public television, TVE. Did they pay especial attention to women in their articles? Did they present different patterns comparing with the job of their male counterparts? To sum up: how «gendered» was their coverage?
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Vidal Valiña, C. M. (2012). A gendered approach to the media coverage of the Arab world conflicts: the invasion of Iraq through the eyes of the female journalists of the Spanish public television (TVE). El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 209–221. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24720


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