«Our Place Is at Home». Female Summer Camps in Asturias during the First Years of Francoism (1938-1945)


One of the most popular and advertised initiatives aimed at young people and children during the Francoist period were the summer camps. They tried to build an ideal society there, with no social classes or nationalisms and with a perfect performance of the gender roles imposed by the Francoist authorities. In this paper I will focus on the official speech and activities addressed to female children and young women in these summer camps, which were specially designed to familiarise them with their future social roles: motherhood and housekeeping. To do so, I will use as an example the ones located in Asturias between 1938 and 1945.
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García Fernández, M. (2012). «Our Place Is at Home». Female Summer Camps in Asturias during the First Years of Francoism (1938-1945). El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 137–159. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24717


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