Femininity normative and sexual violence in the III Reich. The deconstruction of femenine identity and the sexual exploitation of Jewish women in the concentration and extermination camps


The article provides an overview of the sexual violence against women in the concentration and extermination camps through the testimony offered by the survivors. Women suffer a specific kind of violence with a double meaning: political and symbolic. For this reason, the sexual violence must be analyzed as a category of analysis that incorporates a gender perspective. The article is divided into two distinct and interdependent parts. First, it analyzes the nationalist discourse about the Nazi model of femininity based on the concepts of motherhood and racial purity. Secondly, it studies the adaptation of this model of normative femininity to the eugenic and racial policies carried out in the camps. The research has focused exclusively on sexual violence against Jewish women because the relevance of the “Project Final Solution” in the National Socialism politic.
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Beteta Martín, Y. (2012). Femininity normative and sexual violence in the III Reich. The deconstruction of femenine identity and the sexual exploitation of Jewish women in the concentration and extermination camps. El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 107–135. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24716


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