Women Workers: Subsistence in Eighteenth-century Buenos Aires


In colonial society of eighteenth-century Buenos Aires, there was a series of women who Traditional historiography has not given their rightful place: working women.This study aims to analyze and re-evaluation of these females, there also arises a series of networks of “gender solidarity” among women in need of help, in which working women had a role. This is taken as the standard source that rose in the city of Buenos Aires in 1744; it throws a lot of information to understand this complex phenomenon.There will be a thorough analysis of all models of working women the pattern shows, from different perspectives. These ladies are a very heterogeneous group, as work motivations are very different: for aggregate found, being slaves, etc. But at the same time is to keep track of paper, which together with the work effort of these played the charity and solidarity and support for female survival at this time.
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Gutiérrez Aguilera, M. S. (2012). Women Workers: Subsistence in Eighteenth-century Buenos Aires. El Futuro Del Pasado, 3, 67–90. https://doi.org/10.14201/fdp.24714


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