Ecofeminism. A demand of women and nature


Throughout history, women have been knowledge creators, matter producers and biodiversity guardians, among other many things. Androcentric characteristics have transformed culture leading it into an ecological crisis. This is the main reason for approaching the environmental issue from the feminine side (highlighting nature values, women, animals, feelings, matter and body). Françoise d’Eaubonne was the first one who used the term “ecofeminism” claiming feminine body as their own property. And from this premise, various groups of women began to become aware of the risks to their health, arising from the use of pesticides, fertilizers and excessive medication that impact on the feminine body. Karen Warren sees ecofeminism from the philosophical point of view by conceiving differentiation as inferiority. Domination is the worst form of abuse, and the environment suffers the consequences every day. Certain thought should be encouraged: a special compassion for this other one that never complains.
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Tardón Vigil, M. (2011). Ecofeminism. A demand of women and nature. El Futuro Del Pasado, 2, 533–542.


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